KEDS Coding Software and Dictionaries

While not as current as TABARI, the KEDS (Kansas Event Data System) program was our first major foray into the automation of events data. The level of documentation and development of the program surpasses that of TABARI, even though the latter is, in most respects, a more capable program. The KEDS program runs natively on Mac OS 6.0 or later and uses a limited amount of disk space. Additionally, KEDS supports a nifty GUI interface that is to date absent in TABARI.

KEDS version 0.9B7.2 (Macintosh program).

The program uses 2Mb of memory and requires System 6.0 or later.
Last update: 5 April 1999
Download KEDS program

Click here to see a summary of changes since version 0.9B6.3

KEDS manual

200 pages, MS Word format. In addition to documenting all of the features of the program, the manual contains a discussion of the use of event data in international relations research.
Last update: 22 February 1998

Link to Adobe .pdf version of the manual

Link to .dvi version of the manual

Actor and verb phrase dictionaries for coding the Middle East.

Last update: 2 August 1996.
(also see updated data sets below)
Download dictionaries

Sample folder:

A sample data set of 22 hypothetical events which follow typical Reuters syntax and vocabulary.
Last update: 2 August 1996
Download sample

Introduction to KEDS and the Sample folder.

Last update: 2 August 1996
Download Introduction